Meet AMY

AMY is our Free to use Web Assistant
By adding 2 lines of code to your intranet site, it creates a button on the bottom right corner, which says “Ask Amy”. AMY then provides a question-and-answer service that will signpost your employees to appropriate resources to support the following mental health issues
  • Financial Problems  – How to address indebtedness and the burden of debt
  • Work related – Stress related to the work environment – trouble with the boss, co-workers, harassment in the workplace etc
  • Family/marital problems – Problems at home with the spouse, children and other dependents. 
  • Drug or alcohol dependency – A range of options of where to go, in complete confidence to get support for issues such as Alcohol Anonymous, Cocaine anonymous and other outreach support groups.
  • General mental health – A basic level of identification of typical mental health issues, such as anxiety, suicide, depression, loneliness and isolation and signposting to services that provide help.